Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sleeping Babies and Sweet Potatoes or The Good Things In Life

I'm having one of those rare and special moments right now in my house. It's quiet and peaceful and I don't have a headache. You guessed it -- Atticus isn't here!

Justin took him out to do errands and I'm home with Esme. It's awesome. I love it when he does this because I get to sit here and relax. The only downside is that sometimes my arm falls asleep.

I know I could put her down, but she's just so precious I can't do it. I want to enjoy this.

I also made one of my favorite things for lunch today. Here it is in all its glory.

Justin's not a big fan of sweet potatoes.1 This has a good side and a bad side. Good side -- they're all mine!2 Bad side -- I don't go to the effort very often since it's mostly just for me. I can hear you. You're saying it's pathetic that I see that as effort. Well, you can just -- you -- well -- okay, you're right.

1By that I mean that he loathes them.
2Unless Atticus gets back before I finish them all. And Esme gets some second hand, I suppose. No, not the way birds do it. You're gross for thinking that's what I meant.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I didn't think the way the birds do.
