Our library has free day passes to all kinds of fun things including the Children's Museum, so one day a couple months ago we took the kids. After realizing how many pictures I wanted to put up I decided to make it two posts. This first one is all Atticus, all the time.
We spent some time in the water room first. Unfortunately, the combination of the lighting and my not-so-awesome camera meant almost all of them blurred.
Here he is in the tree reading area:
Here's Justin painting his face. (We took turns. Maybe you think we should have let him do this himself, but you would be wrong.) The green above the eyebrows was my doing, but Justin got to do the crowning achievement -- the mustache. I've also got to add that when he looked at this picture just now he said, "Oh, I had paint on. I was just Jesus Christ." Apparently there's a theme going on here.
Atticus at the bus:
And here's where he spent the most time -- the train table. He loved this.
And, for good measure, here's what he thinks of you:
Come Follow Me “correction” As Harmful As Before
Dear Latter-day Saints, The latest online correction to the Come Follow Me
manual has me thinking deeply about how we, as Christian people, wrestle
with sc...
5 years ago
Wow, that's really great that the library gives out passes for that kind of thing. My other comment is that I think it's awesome how little kids will totally walk around a public place and play with trains forever(in public)with random paint all over their faces.